In December 2020, Singaraja City experienced inflation as high as 1.08 percent with the Consumer Price Index (base year 2018 = 100) of 106.20. The inflation rate for the calendar year in December 2020 was recorded as high as 2.48 percent, which is the same as the year-on-year inflation rate (December 2020 against December 2019 or YoY) was recorded as high as 2.48 percent.
Six expenditure groups were recorded to experience inflation (m to m), namely group I (food, beverages and tobacco) as high as 2.86 percent; group IV (equipment, tools, and household routine maintenance) as high as 1.64 percent; group V (health) as high as 0.56 percent; group III (housing, water, electricity, and household fuel) as high as 0.08 percent; group II (clothing and footwear) as high as 0.04 percent; group VI (transportation) as high as 0.03 percent. Meanwhile, two expenditure groups recorded deflation, namely, group XI (personal care and other services) at -0.29 percent; and group VII (information, communication and financial services) at -0.23 percent. Three other expenditure groups recorded that the index did not change or were stagnant, namely, group VIII (recreation, sports and culture), group IX (education) and group X (provision of food and beverages / restaurants).
Commodities recorded as contributing to inflation in December 2020 include cayenne pepper, purebred chicken, red chilies, canang sari, eggs, pork, shallots and tomatoes.